

1. 送貨上門


    • 由文化村物流團隊直接送出
    • 購物滿$900的訂單為免費送貨
    • 未滿$900之訂單將會於結帳時收取HK$80送貨

    2. 順豐站 / 智能櫃自取 (運費到付)

    • 讓貨物更輕鬆簡易地送達顧客手中,客人可選「順豐站 / 智能櫃自取」
    • 運費由順豐直接收取,客人於取貨時支付
    • 所有使用順豐運送之訂單均不設免運費
    • 按此前往順豐自取流程教學

    3. 荃灣自提點 (自取)

    • 不限購物金額,均可以使用「荃灣提貨點自取貨物」服務,當訂單狀態為「可提取」,便可憑訂單確認電郵,5日內前往提貨點地址提取貨物,逾期提取者需繳付存倉費。
    • 自提點地址:香港荃灣德士古道72-76號興業中心2樓
    • 辦公時間:週一至週五 9:00 - 13:00|14:00 - 18:00
    • 電話: (852) 2780 3882
    • 電郵:eshop@culturehomes.com.hk

    送貨服務條款 Terms of Delivery Service

    收費 Delivery Fee:

    1. 凡於單一訂單購買任何貨品淨值滿$900或以上即享有免費送貨服務 (只限一個送貨地點及只送香港/九龍/新界地區)
    Free delivery is available for each order with net purchase of HK$900 or above for a single delivery location only and is only available in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories.

    2. 凡於單一訂單購買任何貨品淨值低於$900,將收取$80送貨費用。
    Delivery fee of HK$80 will be charged for order with net purchase below HK$900.

    3. 如送貨至愉景灣須另收取附加費HK$160
    A surcharge of HK$160 will be applied for delivery to Discovery Bay.
    Delivery to Cheung Chau, Peng Chau, Lantau Island, Mui Wo, and Hong Kong Airport, a surcharge will be applied and quoted in separate. (Surcharge may be adjusted to the size and weight of the goods)
    Delivery is not avaliable for locations at Pui O, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk, Shui Hau, Shae Pik, Po Lin Monastery, and Tai O. 

    4. 已確認之訂單,將於七個工作天內送貨,但須視乎實際情況而定。(公眾假期及特殊訂單除外)
    The order will be delivered in 7 working days (excluding public holiday and special order) after it is confirmed, but subject to the actual situation.

    5. 送貨地區時間 Delivery Schedule:
    Once received the order, we will contact the customer and confirm the order and the delivery date.

    6. 如需指定送貨時間,需收取額外附加費HK$100起
    A surcharge of HK$100 will be applied for delivery at specific times.

    7. 樓梯搬運收費:

    For buildings without elevator or if goods need to be delivered via stairs, a surcharge will be applied based on size and weight of goods and level of floors. Such delivery will be subjected to a maximum of three floors (measured from the unloading ground level).  For deliveries exceeding three floors, a separate quotation will be provided. Surcharges are calculated as follow (staircase shall be rounded up to the nearest floor): 

    標準箱頭尺寸 ( 51 x 38 x 38 cm )或原箱尿片 (單一訂單為4箱或以下及每箱不超過10kg):
    For standard carton (51 x 38 x 38 cm) or diaper with original case (Each order in maximum 4 cartons and each carton does not exceed 10kg):

    • 每層每箱HK$15 (以每層計算(須於20級內,首8級樓梯免費)
    • HK$15 per carton for each floor (based on maximum 20 steps, first 8 steps for free)

    For medium items (e.g. wheelchair, small size shower chair or commode chair and healthcare furniture): 

    • 每層每張HK$60 (以每層計算(須於20級內),首3級樓梯免費) 
    • HK$60 per item for each floor (based on maximum 20 steps, first 3 steps for free) 

    For large items (e.g. geriatric chair, patient lifter and shower / commode chair): 

    • 每層每張HK$150 (以每層計算(須於20級內),首3級樓梯免費) 
    • HK$150 per item for each floor (based on maximum 20 steps, first 3 steps for free) 

    醫療床 :
    For nursing bed:

    • 每層每張HK$300 (以每層計算(須於20級內),首3級樓梯免費) 
    • HK$300 per item for each floor (based on maximum 20 steps, first 3 steps for free) 

    ** 司機已送貨到現場,因無人收貨,是次送貨費將不會退回。如需再作安排送貨,會收取再次送貨費HK$80 **
    No refund of delivery fee if no one is receiving delivery upon arrival of goods at the appointed time. Should delivery be rescheduled in such circumstance, a redelivery fee of HK80 will be charged.

    8. 所有額外附加的費用,會在送貨時向客人收取現金。
    All surcharge shall be paid in cash in Hong Kong dollar on delivery.

    9. 若送貨時大廈升降機未能正常操作,我們將安排另一送貨時段再次送貨,需另收附加費。
    In the event of a lift breakdown during delivery we will make arrangement to deliver the goods at another time. A surcharge will be applied for such redelivery.

    10. 送貨服務只適用於香港,而海外送貨服務不包括在內。
    No overseas delivery service is provided.

    11. 星期日及農曆新年假期不設送貨服務。
    No delivery service will be provided on Sundays and during Chinese New Year holidays.

    12. 如天文台懸掛八號或以上風球、紅色或黑色暴雨警告,送貨服務時間將會延遲或另作安排。
    If the typhoon signal No.8 or above is hosted, a red or black rainstorm warning is issued, delivery service will be delayed or otherwise arranged.

    13. 如顧客需透過速遞服務送貨,需按貨品之尺寸、重量及送貨地點而額外收費。
    If express delivery service is required, an additional delivery fee will be charged subject to the size and weight of the goods and the delivery location.

    14. 所有村屋及貨車未能直達的地址,只可在村口或停車場交收。如所訂購之產品為大件貨或涉及安裝服務,需要本司人員搬運到點,將收取額外附加費,另作報價。
    Delivery for all addresses inaccessible by village houses and trucks can only be made at the village entrance or parking area. For orders involving large-sized items or requiring installation services with our staff carrying them to the specified location, an additional fee will be applied, and a separate quotation will be provided.