維修及保養服務   Maintenance and Warranty Service

  • 如產品附有保養咭,客人必須填妥,按保養咭指示寄回指定地址,並需留意保養咭內之保養條款及細則。Warranty is on valid for the warranty card has been completed and returned to the address designated on the card.
  • 文化村生活及復康產品有限公司有權修改條款而不作另行通知,並保留最終決定權。The above terms and conditions are subject to change by Culture Homes Healthcare Company Limited from time to time without providing any prior notification.
  • 如有任何爭議,文化村生活及復康產品有限公司保留最終決定權。 For any disputes, Culture Homes Healthcare Company Limited reserves all rights of final decision.


維修保養   Maintenance

  • 產品由有關供應商/生產商依據保用條款負責保用及維修。Product warranty and repair are provided by the product supplier/manufacturer according to their terms and conditions.
  • 本公司在收到顧客的保養要求後會與有關產品供應商/生產商聯絡。一般而言,維修需時7至14個工作天,但須視乎產品之損壞程度而定。經與供應商/生產商確定維修時間後,本公司會盡快通知顧客。We will contact the product supplier/manufacturer for repair upon receipt maintenance request from customers. 7-14 working days are needed in order to finish the maintenance, but subject to the damage level of the product. We would inform the customer of the repair time after confirmed with the supplier/manufacturer.
  • 若保用期屆滿後,維修產品須另外收費,費用會按產品之損壞情況及所需更換之配件而定,詳情可與本公司聯絡查詢。Once warranty period expired, extra charges are required for maintenance service and will be subject to the damage level of the product and the parts need to be replaced. Customers could contact us for more details.